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Follow the steps below to set up your CircleCI builds to send test results and coverage files (optionally) to BuildPulse to help you identify and eliminate flaky tests.

If you'd like help at any step, please get in touch.

1. Verify that your CircleCI configuration allows the use of third-party orbs.

You'll need this in order to use the CircleCI BuildPulse orb below.

2. Add the following environment variables in the project settings for your repository on [docs]



3. Update your .circleci/config.yml to use the BuildPulse orb to send test results to BuildPulse. [docs]

Include the BuildPulse account-id and repository-id for your repository:

account-id: 46661156
repository-id: 382123152

4. Commit those changes

Push your branch to GitHub, and verify that you still have a passing build on CircleCI. When everything is working correctly, you should see a successful step labeled "Send test results to BuildPulse." [example]

Within a few minutes, you'll see your first flaky test analysis in your dashboard. 😅